Silent (R)evolution

How growing up & waking up changes everything

We strongly believe that individual efforts to change ourselves are the key to changing whatever is wrong with the world today. As we grow up, we become mature human beings and take full responsibility for the lives we lead. By waking up, we release our attachments to outcomes and expand beyond our limited perceptions of self.

Let's be honest, fully aligning with life and letting go of our ideas of what life should or shouldn't be is not easy. Although everyone's path is unique, each path most certainly requires courage, honesty, and dedication.

Few are ready to embark on this journey, and even fewer are ready to follow it through. But those who do will find support in unusual places and discover gifts they were carrying all along. Somewhere down the road, they will find their purpose, the true will of their souls. From there on, they will be drawn forward into living their destiny, fully aligned with life, and become the force of nature.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

Mark Twain

Once we start living intentionally, aligned with our life's purpose, we discover new ways to share our gifts. We may build a business, make a real difference, evolve society, and serve life in infinite ways.

Core Cordis is here to provide guidance and support to those that are willing to take the plunge. We design online and offline programs to facilitate psychological growth and spiritual awakening, and create safe space for explorations on both horizontal and vertical axis of human development.   

Our core team

Marko Kovač

business / coaching / meditation

The questions like "What is this all about?" and "Who am I, really?" have been lingering in my mind for as long as I can remember. In the 1970s, my father's interest in Eastern and Western teachings led me to start meditating alongside him when I was just four years old. Later life took a different direction. I became a computer scientist and tasted success as an entrepreneur, but questions about the nature of consciousness and reality at large remained my most intimate companions. In addition, my professional and personal challenges, and the desire to be a good father to my daughters drove me to explore various schools, teachers, and do my own experiments.

I completed a four-year body-oriented psychotherapy school and studied nature and forest therapy. I embarked on solo wilderness retreats in the Croatian mountains and participated in plant medicine retreat guided by Shipibo curanderos in the Amazon forest. Today, my daily practice revolves around breathwork and Chan meditation. Finding meaning and joy in the simplicity of everyday life, with a clear mind, open heart, and healthy body, while sharing it with people from all walks of life, is what truly fulfills me.

Marko Varat

therapy / soul work / meditation

Recently, I have focused on being a committed father and partner while pursuing personal growth and spirituality. Since 1998, I have studied both Eastern and Western practices and spent eight years training in integrative body-oriented psychotherapy at the Center for Integrative Development.

Throughout my life, I have felt like an outsider within established systems, driven by curiosity and a free-spirited nature. Seeking wise guidance in an environment that nurtures commitment and embraces change, I carved my own unique path of learning and self-discovery. I now share my experiences with others to offer valuable insights.

I am currently training to be a Purpose Guide at the Purpose Guides Institute, led by Jonathan Gustin and supported by teachers like Bill Plotkin and John Prendergast. My passions center around meditation, observing life's intricate processes, and creatively integrating teachings and practices to facilitate spiritual awakening and psychological growth. I continue to explore my potential with enthusiasm and aim to inspire and support others on their transformative journeys.

Fellow Explorers

Tatjana Mesar

Dynamic Mindfulness, Coaching

Magdalena Smokrović

Psychotherapy, Art, Motherhood